Privacy Policy


The Ohio Manufacturers’ Association Privacy Policy

The Ohio Manufacturers’ Association Privacy Policy

The Ohio Manufacturers’ Association and its affiliates (collectively, the “OMA” or “we”) operate and affiliated websites, Internet-based portals to information, social networking communication platforms, and other online services (collectively, the “Services”) in order to provide information about our products and services to our members, as well as to provide our members with a forum for discussion and exchange of ideas. This Privacy Policy serves as the agreement between the OMA and visitors to or users (collectively, “you” or “Users”) of the Services to which this this Privacy Policy is expressly linked, and governs our use of your personal information that we collect from you. Service in which this Privacy Policy is not expressly linked may be governed by a different policy.

The purpose of this Privacy Policy is to inform you how the OMA may use that information, whether we disclose it to anyone, and the choices you have regarding your information.

This Privacy Policy is subject to the OMA’s Terms of Service.

Information We Collect, Use, and Share

The OMA places great importance on maintaining and protecting your private information. We do not require registration to access certain portions of the Services, in which case the only information collected is standard Internet information such as cookies and server logs. However, certain information supplied by Users, particularly Users who have registered on the Services, will be used by the OMA, its affiliates and its trusted suppliers to provide you with requested information or services. Also, registered Users who participate in OMA’s management communities (or in other groups or social networks) will have public profiles, meaning other similarly situated Users will have access to the personal information that is contained in those public profiles, often via a community directory available to all community members. In other contexts, a User’s public profile may be made accessible to non-similarly situated Users. For example, in OMA’s Workplace Suppliers Connections Directory, the public profiles of certain entities that support workforce recruitment and training (“Workforce Suppliers”) are provided to other entities who may have the need to access this information, for example, manufacturers seeking assistance with workforce recruitment or training.

Portions of the Services require that Users give us contact information, such as name, company name, mailing address, phone number, and email address. If you supply us with your contact information, you may receive periodic messages from the OMA regarding our or our trusted suppliers’ products and services.

If a User voluntarily discloses personal information to other Users in an open forum or on one of the message boards or other interactive communication platforms on the Services, such personal information (along with any other substantive information contained in the communication) can be collected and used by the other Users or other third parties. Such activities are beyond the control of the OMA. Users should use caution when posting information or communicating with or otherwise interacting with other Users.

The OMA may share your personal information with its affiliates and trusted suppliers for a variety of reasons, including providing Users with better services, improvement of the OMA products and services to Users, research, and fulfilling Users’ requests for specific products and services. The OMA may also use your personal information for such purposes as: maintaining your account; troubleshooting; keeping a history of services purchased; collecting fees owed; payment processing; measuring interest in product offerings; processing service and maintenance requests; system updating; customizing your experience; detecting and protecting against errors and problems; protecting the OMA against fraud and other criminal activity; enforcing the OMA Services Terms of Service; and as otherwise described to you at the time of collection. The OMA also reserves the right to perform statistical analyses of User behavior in order to measure consumer interest in the various areas of our Services.

In particular, we may utilize the services of third-party vendors to serve relevant advertisements to users of the Services. One such third party vendor is AdRoll Group. You can learn more about how, why, and when AdRoll Group collects data from you to provide targeted advertising services, and your rights with respect of this data by reviewing the AdRoll Group Privacy Policy, located at The AdRoll Group Privacy Policy controls with respect to AdRoll Group’s services. You may contact AdRoll Group using the options provided under “Contact Us” in the AdRoll Privacy Policy.

More About Cookies and Other Automated Means

We use cookies and other technology to collect information, provide Services, and support features of the website. Please see our Cookie Notice, which is fully incorporated with this Privacy Policy.

Please be aware that by using this website and our Services, you are also consenting to websites and other services provided by third parties to submit and store cookies on your device to passively collect information about your use of our website and Services or third party websites and services. We do not have control over the way third parties collect and use your information and such procedures are subject to their own privacy policies.

Site Security Measures

The OMA will take reasonable security precautions to keep your personal information confidential. The OMA will comply with applicable laws regarding the storage of such personal information.

Payment Information

Some Users will make payments to us through the Services, such as for product purchases or seminar registrations, via credit card or other approved electronic payment method. Using a credit card will require additional information from Users, such as a billing address, a credit card number and a credit card expiration date. Other payment methods may require certain tracking information. In order to provide better security, the OMA will not store your credit card information for future purchases.

Other Uses of Information

The OMA will share your personal information as required by law or in order to support investigations, prevent or take action regarding illegal activities, in response to violations of the OMA Services Terms of Service, and for other reasons in the OMA’s reasonable discretion.

Your California Privacy Rights

Pursuant to California Business and Professions Code Section 1798.83 (or such successor provision), as amended and supplemented, residents of California have the right to request from a business with whom the California resident has an established business relationship certain information with respect to the types of Personal Information the business shares with third parties for those third parties’ direct marketing purposes and the identities of the third parties with whom the business has shared such information during the immediately preceding calendar year.

In addition, an operator of a commercial website subject to California Business and Professions Code Section 22581 must allow California residents under age 18 who are registered users of online sites, services or applications to request and obtain removal of content or information they have publicly posted. If this applies to you and you wish to make such a request, your request should include a detailed description of the specific content or information to be removed. Please be aware that your request does not guarantee complete or comprehensive removal of content or information posted online and that the law may not permit or require removal in certain circumstances.

If you are a California resident, believe that one of the above code provisions applies to you, and would like to make such a request, you may email your request to:


The Services are not intended for children or minors under the age of 13. We strongly encourage parents and guardians to regularly monitor and supervise their children’s online activities. We do not knowingly collect personal information from children under 13.

Visiting the Services From Outside of the United States

The OMA is focused solely on protecting and growing Ohio manufacturing. Although the Services may be accessible in some locations outside of the U.S., it is not our intention to offer goods or service to individuals outside of the U.S. Also, the information we collect will be stored and processed in the US. The laws of the U.S. may offer less protection than the laws of your place of residence if you are located outside of the U.S. We will keep this information only as long as we need it for the purposes described above.

In the event we offer services that are subject to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), we will comply with requests which could include the right to access information we hold about you, have inaccurate or unnecessary information rectified or deleted or to ask us to stop using your information in a certain way. In the unlikely event your use of the Services is subject to GDPR, you would also have a right to lodge a complaint with your local EU regulator.

Privacy Policy Changes or Questions

The OMA may update and change this Privacy Policy from time to time and at any time. The OMA will notify you about material changes to this Privacy Policy by providing a notice on the Services and/or sending a notice to your email address if you have specified one to us, such as in your membership account. The OMA encourages all Users to check back at the Services and review this Privacy Policy periodically. If you have any questions or concerns about this policy, please contact

Last updated June 17, 2019
